Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama's Visit to White House

From the New York Times; "As Transfer of Power Begins, Obama Visits White House" by Brian Knowleton

On Sunday President elect Obama and his family made their first visit to the White House since the election. The meeting involved an hour meeting in the oval office about policy. As president Obama will be inheriting a global economic crisis as well as two wars. The approach will most likely be considerably different. Senator Obama coming from a more liberal stand point than President Bush. It will be even more important this election to make sure that there is a smooth transition. In history it has traditionally been difficult for the President elect entering and the President leaving. This is one of the first times a President elect has visited the white house this early and starting to appoint cabinet members because of the laws current President Bush passed shortly after the rough transition between President Clinton and himself. One thing the press has tried to take notice of is the expressions and mannerisms between the two to see if their meeting is an awkward one due to the opposing view points and the amount of criticism of President Bush. For the most part it appeared as if the two got a long fairly well. It is important that we make sure that it is a transition that takes place with little to no problems considering the current state the country is in. This is probably the reason that Obama and aids have started assembling their cabinet. Last week Chicago representative Rahm Emmanuel was named Obama's chief of staff and no members are expected to be named this week. Hopefully this will be a smooth transition to the next Presidency.