Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama's Visit to White House

From the New York Times; "As Transfer of Power Begins, Obama Visits White House" by Brian Knowleton

On Sunday President elect Obama and his family made their first visit to the White House since the election. The meeting involved an hour meeting in the oval office about policy. As president Obama will be inheriting a global economic crisis as well as two wars. The approach will most likely be considerably different. Senator Obama coming from a more liberal stand point than President Bush. It will be even more important this election to make sure that there is a smooth transition. In history it has traditionally been difficult for the President elect entering and the President leaving. This is one of the first times a President elect has visited the white house this early and starting to appoint cabinet members because of the laws current President Bush passed shortly after the rough transition between President Clinton and himself. One thing the press has tried to take notice of is the expressions and mannerisms between the two to see if their meeting is an awkward one due to the opposing view points and the amount of criticism of President Bush. For the most part it appeared as if the two got a long fairly well. It is important that we make sure that it is a transition that takes place with little to no problems considering the current state the country is in. This is probably the reason that Obama and aids have started assembling their cabinet. Last week Chicago representative Rahm Emmanuel was named Obama's chief of staff and no members are expected to be named this week. Hopefully this will be a smooth transition to the next Presidency.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Powell Endorsement Could Mean More

From Powell Endorses Obama New York Times by Elisabeth Bumiller

On last Sunday's edition of the political talk show, "Meet the Press," former secretary of state Colin Powell gave his endorsement to Democratic candidate Barack Obama. Powell cited the need for a change in policies from the Bush administration. He said that his friend of 25 years John McCain was qualified but a great deal more change was needed that Senator McCain could not provide. Powell, who resigned as secretary of state, was one of the top Bush advisers in his first term and gave the infamous speech to the UN urging the war in Iraq with faulty information about Iraq's nuclear capability as well as a container of anthrax. The announcement was addressed by both campaigns and did not come as a surprise to many who believed that the official endorsement had been coming for some time. Powell's support of Obama is probably the most drastic example of a long list of conservatives losing confidence in the Republican party from the all time low approval rating of President Bush to the recent choice of running mate Governor Sarah Palin. It appears that this might be the end of the modern American conservative as instituted by Senator Barry Goldwater and President Ronald Reagan. Many predominate conservatives have back lashed against the Republican ticket with the low standing of America as a world presence and the current economic crisis which can all be linked back to the last eight years of the Bush administration. If the recent influx of support for the Democratic ticket in Republican strong holds such as Virgina, North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri is an indication that the modern conservative movement is reaching its end. There are foreseeable changes that can very likely come for the American government and this is the election in which the changes are occurring. With all of the reasons mentioned above the most contributing factors. It will be interesting to see the change that happens in the American government over the next some odd years.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Libraries: A New Name?

No More Librarians by Karl Fisch from the Fisch Bowl

In this blog entry it is discussed weather it is appropriate to call libraries libraries or even librarians librarians. In recent years libraries both in schools and government run have become much more than a place where patrons may barrow books. It has rather become a place that will check out videos, magazines and DVDs. Not to mention the fact that each library will have several computers for patron use. These computers are frequently used as well. Library which comes from a Latin root word (It seems like most of English is plagiarized from Latin) meaning book, the argument can be made that it is no longer a fitting name. Media Center is sometimes used and that could be a strong candidate for the next name. Libraries like most of society have become much more technologically advanced since computers have been made into an easily accessible machine. It's fitting because when libraries were first open books were the only source of information and now there are so many more out lets to find information in. However if the word library is changed then it might cause unnecessary confusion. I would assume that a majority would eventually figure out that the library has changed its name but it be a great deal more stressful. Library has become so ingrained in the minds of English speaking people that a center for information has become the meaning of library as opposed to what it was fifty years ago. The meaning of words are constantly changing as society does. It is now apparent that computers are an important part of society and an important part of a public library. If the name stays the same the meaning of the name will change with a much smoother transition.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Canidates and the Bailout

On Bailout, Candidates Were Surely Themselves by Patrick Healy of the New York Times

As both candidates went back to Capital Hill for negations on a economic bail out bill we've seen actions from the candidates that mirror their persona through out the entire election. Senator McCain came into congress with an individual attitude calling for the resignation of the Securities and Exchange commission chairman and temporally suspending his campaign. Senator Obama arrived in Congress with an approach of committee thinking. Republicans have praised McCain for his decisive actions in suspending his campaign during the economic down turn while Democrats have criticized him as using this for a campaign ploy and show boating, if you will. Even though both Obama and McCain come from the Senate floor they have very different experiences and ideas on how a crisis should be handled. After eight years of perhaps some of the lowest points in American history it has become time to take an entirely new approach than the current administration has taken. In his policies and actions we've seen that Senator McCain share many of the same policies as President Bush does. It is obviously a campaign objective to distance himself from Bush. With the lowest approval rating in American history it is easy to see how much influence he can lose with the house of representatives voting down the bailout bill despite a great deal of support by President Bush. It will be a heated campaign and upcoming election because of this. This economic crisis is yet another challenge that will face our next President and the knowledge and ability when it comes to economy might possibly be a deciding factor on election day.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Media Censorship on Debate

Censorship in a Time of War: The Devil's Advocatee by Karl Fisch

In this entry it talks about an on going discussion about the censorship of media and specifically during war times. There were concerns brought up about the media's accuracy but I feel that the risk of the media lying is far less worse than with held information by the government. In war time it is even more important that the news and media outlets be able to report on what the current status of the nation is. The risk of becoming a country where wide spread censorship is common is a step towards even more usurping of rights. In the call for safety the citizens have given away the freedom of privacy. The government has used the excuse of safety as a way to impose on rights. Information kept secret that could be important for the American people to know should be told to them. That's why the founding fathers knew it was important to have a freedom of the press. Safety is not the most important thing in the United States way of government, it's freedom. This certainly is a issue that could arouse a great deal of opinions and it is a good thing that this website allows students to share how they feel about these issues.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Swift Plant Firings

Labor law experts say assembly line complicates Swift situation

By Joanne Kelley, Rocky Mountain News, 9/13/200

The Swift company in Greeley has faced a great deal of controversy over the past couple of years. The first was the large scale illegal immigration raid that ended in the deportation of hundreds of immigrants. Now they are in a battle with their mostly Muslim employees, or former employees. It is over the fact many workers requested an earlier off time and later lunch break so that they could eat at sunrise and sunset like is the tradition in the Islamic holiday of Ramadan. Instead of meeting that compliance which is federal law to allow employees time in order to practice their religion, the Swift company laid them off. However the Swift company maintains it was due to worker incompetence. This whole ordeal brings up a point far beyond the Swift company. It really asks the question, "How is Islam viewed in post 9/11 America?" There is no doubt that Muslims are looked at very differently now by a vast amount of the population and I don't believe it's out of hate or a feeling of superiority but out of fear and misunderstanding. When the news is dominated by reports of, "Radical Islam," it sends a message to many people that the overall message of Islam is a violent and radical one, where in truth many Muslim societies are much more progressive than Iran or Islamic terrorist groups. If there was a serial killer in this country it is very unlikely that his or her religion would have anything to do with it and even if it did then it wouldn't peg the whole religion as a violent person or radical. With all these factors I think that the prejudice towards Islam is really more of a subconscious one. That's why I think that if it had been any other religion requesting such time off the plant might of provided it. It's definitely a controversial issue and should be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

Wikipedia: Quick to the News

Wikipedia Knew VP Picks Before You

From, “The Fischbowl” by Karl Fisch
I think this story about Wikipedia being one of the first media outlets to post the news of John McCain’s vice president pick proves that the mission of Wikipedia is working. Wikipedia is meant to be a site where people could freely update pages according to their knowledge in a field. I know that many people do not see the website as a viable source for information but if the editors of Wikipedia are forced to site their source or else the article will be sent to the original author for restoring facts. The point of Wikipedia is to be able to provide as much possible information and by allowing people to edit and update pages to their expertise provides the website to be able to be the first ones to receive the most important news first such in this case as the vice president pick. Apparently this company, “Cyveillance” has devoted many of its resources to Wikipedia to find the open sourced information about corporate buy outs, executive hireings, and other such information important for American businesses. If this trend continues Wikipedia could start to have major economic effects when it comes to stock trading. I predict that Wikipedia will soon become a vital way to spread information on a large scale.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not just Hot Air

The Air Car Blows Back into Picture

By Jim Motavalli New York Times.com

In recent times there has been a panic due to the sky rocketing fuel prices around the world and there has been many suggested solutions. It is common to hear the idea for off the United States’ shore drilling but I believe the only way to fix the problem is to look for alternative ways to fuel cars and a automobile engineer in France Guy Negre may have found the solution. Despite skepticism by many people there were videos released showing a car that can go over 35 MPH and runs only on compressed air. If this could be a realistic alternative to oil or a car that is much better for the environment then it would defiantly worth further investigation into the project so that the car could run faster for high way usage and be affordable so that some day it would be in the price range of owning a car for most people. There are obviously some problems and concerns that are brought up, however there will never be any progress if people are not willing to invest and try new products. The benefits that the car will work in my view far out number the risks of the car. The car came at a perfect time too because right now in the world there is a large surplus of air.